Turntable suggestions for a newbie

Hello all. Beginning my journey into analog. I've recently gotten some advice on here in regards to my integrated tube amp selection. I may be going about things backwards, but here's where I'm at now. I'm 99% in on the Raven Blackhawk as my amp.  At Ravens suggestion I've purchased the Schiit Skoll as my phono stage. So now I'm looking at tables. I've narrowed it down to 3 although I'm open to suggestions.  Here they are in order:

1)VPI Scout 21

2)MoFi ultra deck

3)Michell Technodec 

The VPI is 1 because it looks bad ass and has really good reviews. Draw back is that it doesn't include a cart so is getting a little pricey for me with the additional cost of a cart. Not to mention that I'm not sure where to start as far as carts go. The MoFi is intriguing because it can be purchased with their ultra gold cart for less than the cost of the VPI. Looks are but not as nice as the VPI. Both are USA  made. Third choice is the Michell.  Looks great too. No cart either. It seems like the VPI is also upgradable. One concern that I have is that whatever table I choose will be placed on my council next to my center channel with L and R towers and a sub on either side.  Not really any other options unfortunately. The VPI and the Michell have isolated drives. My concern is that the the table location will be prone to vibration and may effect any table with an isolated drive.  Is this a legit concern?  Center channel wouldnt be used while listening to LPs.  Would an isolation platter mitigate any adverse effects from adjacent towers and subs?  Am I over thinking this?....


You ask if location is a legitimate concern. For perspective from a current owner of the MoFi deck with that exact concern, head over to PS Audio's website and go to their forum. Look up the thread " Too much subwoofer activity." Seems that the MoFi deck has some issues, at least for that owner. My vote would be for the VPI if you can swing it. I had one the original Scouts for several years and it was a solid, reliable, good sounding well designed table. I'd be concerned about the location issue causing potential problems though. 

I have an older VPI Prime and enjoy it.

I think your other choices would do you well also.

Your choice of phono stages bothers me as you would be sending the signal from a $3k TT (more with cart) through a $400 phono stage.  Maybe for the Mofi but not the Scout.

Bottleneck?  The phono stage would be your limiting factor.  

IMO the phono stage is just as important as the TT/cart and I would spend more on the phono stage than the TT.  In fact my phono stage is the most expensive component in my system.

Noromance, I'm getting into vynle/analog for a few reasons. First, I want to experience the pure analog sound. Second, just owning the physical albums with the art and inserts I think is cool and important.  Third, I feel that when you take the time to place an LP on the table one is more apt to sit and listen more intently instead of thinking about what song you're going to stream next. At least for me I think that would be true. And finally, the Raven Blackhawk should be a nice improvement in all around SQ over my Anthem AVR. 

Flattire, i had the same concern about the phono stage so when I started focusing in on the Raven products I called them and spoke to James Cahn. Not sure if he's an owner, a designer or both. I asked him what pre he recommends  and one of them was the Schiit believe it or not. Reasoning is that the Schiit pre is very well made, low noise and very simply made.  It has one job to do and does it well without adding any coloration or to the signal so what you put in is what is sent out. So I figure that I'll take him at his word as I would doubt that he would recomend a pre that did a disservice to his product.