Time for a new cartridge

My current cartridge which is a Van Den Hul DDTII Special MC is starting to lose it's zing. Details are not as sharp as they were and overall I think I'd like something fresh. My tt is a VPI Prime with the 10" JMW Memorial tonearm. My phono stage is a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl. My amp is a McIntosh MA8950 integrated. My speakers are Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have 2 KEF R400B subs, which I think compliment the Cremona's. I've emailed VDH and they said they would do a re tip and get it back to where it was, but I'm thinking maybe it's time for a different sound. With the info I've provided I'd like some alternatives. My budget is around $2500.


Longtime VPI Classic user.

Your setup is nice. Based on the limitations of the arm I wouldn’t look past anything in the price point of the Audio Technica ART 9 series.

ART 20 maybe won’t be fully appreciated?

VPI users seem give Lyra Delos the thumbs up?

Presently using a Kiseki Blue.

Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl- interesting model.

I took me some time to find a cart i liked as much as my VDH. There is something about the VDH stylus profile that’s special IMO. I've had mine rebuilt at VDH twice now. But i found a lightly used Sumiko Pear wood celebration 2 that fills in quite nicely with all the detail I'm used to from the VDH cart but with a bit more warmth in the midrange.

Dear @drvinyl01   : The poblem with that DS Audio cartridge isthat around 8khz and up its frequency response has a deviation af 6db-8db that is to high and where you can hear.

Nothing is just perfect in analog audioand that is the negative trade-off you " pay " for.


@willy-t ​​@chasda   :  Yes the Lyra Kleos is a cartridge winner and at very good low price for it.



I would definitely check out new London Decca Super Gold. I think $2800 USD. But I would check it works with your arm. I have a SG with a VPI Classic III arm and it did not work well - but I got a new arm :-) not planned for but what the heck - its only money :-)


www.londondecca.com - they just started re-manufacturing them in London and shipping to the US. Support is incredible and sound is the same.

Because you are using a unipivot arm you will want to go with a high compliance cartridge such as another Van den Hul or a Lyra. Lyra specifically recommends against unipivot arms.  Soundsmith makes some of their cartridges in high compliance versions and they are great cartridges. You certainly want something that tracks at less than 2 grams. You really want to get a better arm at some point.