DAC question - is music streamer DAC better than mcintosh DA2?

I am planning to buy a MA12000 or MA9500 or MA8950, all of which have the new DAC (DA2) along with a music streamer. While I perusing the posts here, I see that several of you have suggested not to rely on the mcintosh's DA2 and instead, rely only on the music streamer's DAC. If that is true indeed, then what is the point of spending thousands of $$$$$ on a mcintosh? wouldn't a more reasonable (price-wise) manufacturer suffice? 

What are the other considerations for me to understand? Thank you :)


I recently upgraded my MA8900 to the DA2 module.  I run an Aurender N100C as my only digital source and the DA2 performs very well.  I think you would have to spend a lot more money on an external DAC to notice big differences over the DA2.  I will say that the DA2 is a big improvement over the DA1 module that was originally installed in my amp.  It does not have issues with USB inputs from the Aurender which was a little finicky with the DA1 module.  You would be very well served with any of the Mac integrated amps and the DA2 DAC.

Last year I tried approximately 10 different DAC’s. The DA2 held its own with all of them. Mine is built into a C8. I never had one glitch with the C8 which is more than I can say for all of the other un I tried. There’s something about having the units built by the same manufacturer. also McIntosh owns another DAC manufacture called Weiss, I understand that they are a well respected brand. One last thought, if you buy your unit without the DA2 The dealer can install one for $1500.

I now prefer my MA8950’s dac board over the Chord Qutest. The DA2 started to sound better after a few weeks of playing (burn in?) so I won’t go back to the Qutest. Using a Auralic Aries as a streamer.

I have had my MA12000 for 3 yrs now. My first dip into audio was the 70s/80s, hence always leaned towards separates.  I  went to several listening sessions of different amps/preamps and a few integrates before my purchase. One session I had the chance of comparing the McIntosh separates to their integrated MA12000 side-by-side…done deal. They really nailed it…the tube front side with the s.s. backend done in a proprietary pathway is excellent.
The MA12000 does everything well…some exceptionally well. You would be hard pressed to find a better preamp. More connectivity than anyone would every need too. It will drive most speakers easily; never gets warm. As more of an analog guy…I decided to add a phonostage even though the MM/MC sounded really good in the MA12000; PS Audio had a discount promotion on their Stellar phonostages. It was difficult  to tell the difference…the separate phonostage added a little more “depth” at the bottom end, but very little else compared the the MM/MC input on the MA12000. Again, this integrated does everything well and some exceptional well, really no weak areas except it is really heavy ( a two person lift) & big in size.
The D2 card I have not compared side by side yet with a separate Dac. I am looking for a good streamer, currently using the Bluenode which is great for what it does at the pricepoint. Last week I did a lessoning session/audition with the Aurender N20 with a Berkley Alpha 3 Dac = I found my streamer! I think my best path is to go with the Aurender streamer and use it with the MA12000/D2 & add a separate Dac down the road – if needed; D3 may be out by then?  I feel the DAC world will only improve and hopefully the price-points drop…the MSB discrete has positive reviews but at 12K…I can wait. I like the company philosophies of Chord & Schitts and their Dac builds….if a decent used price comes up, may get that to compare with the D2 card.

You will be very happy with the newer McIntosh integrated!