???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???

Pretty simple question..
While I’m sure the "No Such Thing" crowd will make sure they represent,I’m not interested in their rhetoric..
I am however,most interested to hear from those who have heard integrated amplifiers they could get off the merry go round with,ESPECIALLY if it was on the more budget end of cost..For myself it would have to be the Sugden A21SE but that was 2 years ago,before the cost climbed to $4000.00......
Thanks for participating..


End game amps?  Well, I just happen to potentially have your end game amps, and they are a pair of Pass Labs mono blocks, the XA-100.5.  These would be perfect for you, and since winter is right around the corner, these also make terrific space heaters as you listen to your fave music - hah! 

This is one of best threads I have seen in my limited time in this forum. It’s actually helpful!  There generally are poor resources for buying used equipment to set up a really good system. You are really on your own if you are new to this and not able to spend unlimited amounts. Everything seems to be available used and it’s not junk. I would love it if the cognoscenti would regularly scan US Audio Mart and throw out system recommendations based on what’s out there. That would be so helpful!

I would agree The Auccuohase E650 is a fantastic amp especially for the price 

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