Recommendations for a jazz record which demonstrates vinyl superiority over digital

I have not bought a vinyl record since CDs came out, but have been exposed to numerous claims that vinyl is better.  I suspect jazz may be best placed to deliver on these claims, so I am looking for your recommendations.

I must confess that I do not like trad jazz much.  Also I was about to fork out A$145 for Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" but bought the CD for A$12 to see what the music was like.  I have kept the change!

I love the jazz in the movie Babylon, which features local Oz girl Margo Robbie (the film, not the jazz).

So what should I buy?


@jsalerno277 …” I would only add that I find some very early digital masters suffer compared to vinyl.”

Yes! Wow, there are some really horrible recordings as studios converted over to digital. I actually have a couple of Deutsch Gramophone albums that are simply horrible. They sound like tin. For a company in the 6070s and 80s that produce such great recordings, I can’t believe they even released some of these.

In my above post, the sentence "In general I have found that sampling is a good thing." contains a typo.  Should have written or meant to write "upsampling" is a good thing.

@ghdprentice Yes. When I put that that thought to type I was specifically thinking early DG digital remasters of some of the great performances they recorded in analog that, in analog suffered from shrill shrill strings and sibilance, exacerbated to the unlistenable in their poor digital remasters.  In general, DG has consistently archived some of the best performances but was inconsistent in engineering the best SQ.  Some recordings have phenomenal SQ.  Some suffer in both analog and digital with “DG shrill and sibilance”.   When they get both the performance and engineering right,  it’s pure bliss.  When not, the DG love affair is over.  

@lewm "With all due respect, you asked a very bad, very open-ended question with many ambiguous edges (the question pre-supposes that analog is in fact superior to digital and that there is or could ever be such a thing as a recording that could possibly prove such a tenuous proposition to all listeners), and yet some have tried to respond.  Amazing. No doubt this thread will live on for yet a few more weeks"

My question was deliberately open, because I am looking for real guidance on what jazz record(s) to buy.  Unfortunately, my topic title had to be truncated so it read as if there might be an absolute truth!

My sincere thanks to those who have taken the trouble to list excellent jazz recordings, especially when they have provided a link!  I don't know much about jazz - most of what I listen to is large-scale classical which almost by definition often has huge dynamic range.  Jazz should be easier for vinyl.

Based on the responses so far, the consensus would seem to be that vinyl has no over-whelming, intrinsic advantage these days, despite what many dealers / magazines say.