Mijostyn, I always get the impression that you read but do not take the time to understand what I and others write. How can you really know that Acoustat 2+2s outperform a stacked Quad 57 with all the modifications I described? I am quite sure you’ve never heard the Quad system, because it is one of a kind. Whereas, I have many hours listening to both the modified Quads and Acoustat 2+2s. Yes, I am offering a subjective opinion based on some aural data. And then you add in that if by chance the Acoustats were found wanting, it must be because they were not properly driven. Your mind is closed.
Then in your last paragraph you tell me what I already candidly admitted about the bass response of my Sound Labs, even keeping in mind that we once calculated that my speakers have a greater radiating area than yours and so almost assuredly do better in the low bass than yours do without subwoofers. At the same time, I recognize that you went for the smaller panels because you knew in advance you were going to use subwoofers. You got the right version for yourself, and I got the right version for myself. Nothing wrong with that, and I am sure you have more extended bass response than I do. I still sleep at night.
Seems you are hearing the Shure V15 in much the same way that I heard the V15 in my system 40 or so years ago (probablyi version III); flat response but dry and a bit dull. I didn't keep it for very long. This does not mean that all vintage cartridges are inferior to very expensive modern LOMCs, categorically, at least in my opinion.