@akg_ca +1
Budget integrated amp?
Friend's amp is having issues and he asked me what was "good...for around $1000 new". Like me he is deep in the middle of the Pacific, actually deeper than me because he is on the Big Island of Hawaii, out in the desert/volcano area. I suggested the Schiit Ragnarok 2 which I have only read about but is on sale and has both good writeups and a 5 year warranty and is American made. Also, the Marantz PM6007, a few Rotel amps I read about that are on deal at Crutchfield (which ships to Hawaii free) and the Outlaw RR2160, which I have heard at another friend's. He is an older boomer like me and wants something like his old Marantz 2252B. I told him that those dont exist anymore. For those of you who might have head some of these am I giving him good ideas and have I missed anything substantive. He is not oriented to used and is on a tight budget. He is running both a CDP and an iFi streamer. Suggestions?
The speaker load is a very important consideration here. Solid state and tube amps are great choices but paired with the right speakers. I have Line Magnetic and Rogue tube amps paired with easy to drive speakers with higher sensitivity. I also have a Musical Fidelity M6 500i that drives lower sensitivity speakers. All of them are good integrated amps. But not really interchangeable. |
Great suggestions here ... I would check The Music Room ...
https://tmraudio.com/components/integrated-amplifiers/?page=3&rb_price=379.95%2C1000&tab=products |
If you value versatility, you should strongly consider the Parasound New Classic 200 Integrated, now selling for $999. They started from their NC200 preamp, so it includes phono section, DAC, HT bypass, bass management/subwoofer support, remote control, tone & balance controls, & headphone amp. Then they tucked a Pascal class D 110 watt/channel amp into the case. https://www.soundandvision.com/content/parasound-newclassic-200-integrated-amplifier-review |