To imply a company has a “lack of integrity” simply because they chose not to make changes to their midrange driver is ridiculous, and weird. I am curious why you even care. If you don’t like the magazine and/or the speakers, then vote with your wallet and don’t buy them.
On their website, YG Acoustics states,
“What’s important is how the speakers sound to people: in real systems, in real rooms. That’s what we want to talk about.”
Good for them, more people should take that viewpoint.
To your original question, I couldn't care less. Magazines, and audio reviewers, are going to print what they want. Sincerity in advertising is somewhere between an aspiration and a reality. Reviewer opinions, even when objective and sincere, are fraught with variables including room acoustics, partnering equipment, sonic preferences, musical preferences, and reviewer bias. No two reviewers are going to call something exactly the same. It is my job to sort through what I read, verify and confirm what I believe to be true, and make my own decisions about products I would like to know more about.