...I read reviews with a salt block and a strong chaser when I'm in the mood for a glowing review with an implied tinge of irony...
"...it's Really Good, but...."
...followed or preceded by all manner of commentary, whereas I'm looking for some basic specs and the what 'n how does it do what it does. Or not.
Drawn to pro gear, things not req'd to look 'pretty'
The technology has rose to a level that even 'mid-fi' has the numbers that we used to demand from the stratos-level stuff that req'd a 2nd mortgage or made the card whimper and the sig other get testy at best...
If she/he/? filed for a divorce/division and you Really disposed of your 'disposable income', you are/were at fault and stfu.....
Consider car ads.....even the ones that end up being citrus with wheels in the shop yet again get transposed in the ads 'n reviews as the mobile manse you can't ignore...irony be damned, along with your theoretical budget....
Personal pref ='s flexibility.....'how' I define that is mho.... ;)