Is it possible to have too much/too many filters/tweaks?

Hi All,

So, we all know there are endless tweaks available to enhance our systems and get us that much closer to our audio nirvana. I have personally come across a few that are actual difference makers. But it got me thinking, is it possible that too many tweaks are actually counterproductive to what we are aiming for? For example, my main system (double duty for listening/HT) I have everything (except my 5-channel power amp) plugged into a Furman Elite 20PFi conditioner. In addition, I have a Puron AC plugged into my Furman (this one actually blew me away at how drastically it reduced background noise-legit), I also have a whole house surge protector. I have also installed an iFi Lan iSilencer between my TP-Link Powerline Ethernet Adapter and streamer. In addition, I have an ADD Powr Symphony between my streamer and DAC (another legit difference maker).

Now I just came across the iFi iPurifier 2 and was thinking of pulling the trigger. Then it occurs to me, is it possible to have too many filters/tweaks that it actually taints/diminishes the sound? How far/how much is too much, is there such a thing? Thoughts?


At some point you may be just wasting money on hopes of more inprovement. It's part of the audiophile sickeness. There are tweaks that could be a step backwards.

If it sounds better to you and you think it's good, that's all that matters.

Good question.


My experience is that, in general, getting better quality components (including conditioning) is preferable to more. But it is highly dependent on your situation. If it were me… using a power conditioner… I would not use two, I would upgrade the one. It is more a part of my design Philosophy than anything. Stringing things together the number of permutations goes through the roof quickly (add sequence dependent). Also, more connections… and difficulty in assessing the difference between a 2x more costly power conditioner (for instance) and stringing three things… just because stringing improves the sound doesn’t mean that the 2x component would not have been even better.

For instance, I have a great streamer and a Ethernet regenerator did not sound better… but added connections and powered equipment in a small space. So I got rid of it.

So, probably a generalization would be difficult. I try and keep things simple.

It’s very possible to get tweaks wrong rather than right. The actual number is irrelevant. Best approach: Keep tweaking as needed. Focus on high value tweaks like proper setup and component matching, DSP, room treatments, placement, shielding from external sources of noise. The actual gear used should matter less the better you are at “tweaking” effectively. Except in your head, of course.


If your tweaks consist of buying a lot of expensive and esoteric gadgets and devices you are not on the happy path most likely.  Unless buying stuff alone makes you happy.  That’s ok too. As long as it truly makes you happy. Have at it!

Yes.  If something actually does alter the sound, it has the capacity to alter the sound in a way you might not like.  It is not always the case that certain things one seeks to reduce, such as resonance, is bad at any level such that less is an improvement.  One can go too far in that direction.  I heard a demonstration of various platforms made by a particular company that were placed under a CD player.  The lowest level platform did a very good job of improving the sound as compared to the stock shelf that came with the equipment rack.  The next level up platform made a small improvement over the company's entry level platform.  The all out maximum resonance draining platform was simply too much--the sound became thin, analytical and harmonically thread bare; even the manufacturers representative agreed that it was too much in this particular case.