suggestions for new phono stage

So, I have settled on the Zyx Ultimate Airy for the cartridge and would like to see if I can get a larger soundstage with better 3D imaging.  Am thinking about a phono stage as a way to do this.  I currently have a JLTi v 3 and have enjoyed it over the years, perhaps there is better?  I really like the tube sound (I know the JLTi is SS but very nice).  Budget is about $3500 willing to buy used.  System is Nottingham Spacedeck with SME 309 arm with Van Den Hul silver tonearm cable, Amp is Cayim 300B with some really nice tube upgrades, speakers are Omega AlNiCo 6" and Omega deep hemp subs.  Some possibilities are VTL TP 2.5i, Manley Chinook, Cary VT 500, Allnic H1500II LCR, Zesto Andros PS1, Prima Luna EVO 100, Hagerman Trumpet, RCM Audio Sensor, Paradox Phono 70 signature, and of course the JLTi v5.  I need to narrow this down! 

Thanks for any help here. 


Around your pricepoint, I like the phonostage from Lector Audio, an Italian company.

A different approach is to go for a vintage tube preamp with phono, get all the advantages of it’s sound and features for all sources as well as phono, and if needed, add a SUT for LOMC.

I bought this MX110z model and had Audio Classics overhaul it. I wouldn’t even research, if it died I would simply find another.

The preamp has two phono inputs, and it has trim controls so the volume of 3 inputs can be matched, switch source, same volume as prior selection.

Got a separate SUT for LOMC with PASS for MM and 3 inputs for 3 tonearms with 4 optional gain/impedance settings.

I play mine thru a Cayin A88T.

This one has clean text on both front and rear as well as the glass, and been checked out by a pro

seller calls it a receiver, it is not, no amp, it’s a tube tuner/preamp. wonderful fm tuner, needs strong signal, I put a separate FM antenna in the attic. Most people have never heard excellent FM.

It’s jacks look good, mine were corroded, Audio Classics changed mine to new gold plated jacks.

The Allnic 1500 is my choice and pairs beautifully with my ZYX Universe with .24mv output, both have been in my main system for over 10 years. Enjoy the music