Reasonably priced preamplifier

At some point in the future, I would like to own a preamplifier from either CH Precision or Soulution but looking at their prices, I do not think that it is going to happen soon. So, until such time, I wanted to ask from experienced users here if there are preamplifiers within 7-8k (used) range that are different from the herd and can provide similar kind of performance that CH or Soulution provides?


Search TAS Audio Alchemy DDP-1 and DPA-1 March 2016

I have owned the DAC/Pre + PS 5 for 3+ years. I think Peter M worked for either CH or Solution. I have made many upgrades since then and can hear each clearly. You can find one occasionally < $1000

Audio Research SP6 is a formidable tube preamp. I bought mine for $675 along with a D75 amp for another $675. These are two classic pieces that are worth double what I paid!

Another tube preamp I bought was the made-in-Austrailia Trevor Lees with the black acrylic front panel and clear acrylic top cover. I think I paid less than $1K for it. Certainly a rare piece!