@richardbrand What is a pseudo line source? Do you have stadium concerts down under? If you go to one you can hear midrange/bass line sources. The sound is usually awful. I do not bother any more.
The problem with most "line source" speakers is that the line source behavior is limited to certain frequencies depending on the design of the speaker. Very few people have a line source system capable of maintaining that behavior below 200 Hz. This is the big reason these speakers tend to lack really punching bass. Point source speakers lose acoustic power by the cube of the distance away from the speaker, but line sources only at the square of the distance. As you move away from the speaker bass frequencies fall off much faster leaving an anemic sound. Full range line source systems have advantages. The sound stage you get is right up from within the first 10 rows. Point source systems are back in the 25th row. Bass and percussion are much more life like in terms of power and dynamics. The problem for most people is the size of the system, it owns the room.
You do not need a distributor. Sound Labs will ship anywhere in the world that allows it. God knows what the duties are like down there. The Aussies make some great equipment. My DEQX preamp is Australian. There are many speaker manufacturers. Nobody makes ESLs?
I have zapped myself on numerous occasions usually from forgetting to ground out the diaphragm before working on the speaker. That is a bigger zap than what you get from the bias supply directly. It is not capable of much current. The stators are referenced to ground, they discharge immediately when the music stops.