Dear @scar972 : : Angelo and Levinson designed in those old times Cello electronics and both never were to good phono designers . Cello/Levinson amplifiers is other matter and very good ones.
The FR vintage SUT was and is only an average/mediocre unit from those times when in those times Denon, Audio Technica, Entré, Sony or Tachnics and others were at the top and I owned almost but the top Technics as afact I still own what for me is the best SUT ever Denon 1000, I own too an Entré and other Denon 340.
You own a just first rate room/system but that could not means that you are rigth about the phono/Sut because IMHO you are not and I agree with @lewm in this specific regards. Yes, that’s what you like and I think that you have to listen to a top today active high gain SS phonolinepreamp and compare too vs live MUSIC seated at near field .position.