CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?

I am considering a stereo system with either a Luxman (D-06 or DU-08) or Esoteric X-05 CD player.

Any thoughts on how Luxman compares to Esoteric?


I happen to be a dealer for both Luxman and Esoteric.

If you have a Luxman Amp then the D06 sonically would be the best choice assuming you are also using a Luxman preamp.

However, the new DO7 from Esoteric is a great value as well because you can use the unit as a preamp as well and it has a USB port.
I have ordered a Luxman 509u integrated amp and a Luxman D-06 cdp. I am sure that I will be happy :-)
>>04-01-10: Faxer.
If you have a Luxman Amp then the D06 sonically would be the best choice assuming you are also using a Luxman preamp.<<

Not true.

It all depends on your personal listening preferences.

Dealer disclaimer- Esoteric and Luxman
hey Toronto416, i guess u must be enjoying your new luxman 509u and d-06 combo. could you tell us more about these beautiful babies especially d-06 since i am a 509u user as well and am considering a d-06 atm. it would be very helpful to hear your comment, thank you

I recall you looking at the 590Aii also, I would love to hear how you would compare the 509u to it's class A brother. What made you decide on the 509u?

BTW 416'er here too :)
