Power cord

Looking at spending around $1500 2 m audioquest or Nordost


 maybe I'm getting old but you guys have lost me. As long as a power chord is thick enough to carry the current without voltage drop, isn't that all that matters?

@nasaman "Ferrari or Lamborghini?” OP Q sounds more like: to buy Ferrari class Steering wheel for Ford escort/toyota/etc., and then to report better car performance! 

@conrads1 "Looking at spending around $1500 2 m audioquest or Nordost” Why? 

As most have said, cables are going to be different in everyone's system. Nordost good stuff really does start at the Heimdall and above. Audioquest PC start at Thunder and above.

For my system, I had Nordost Red dawn and Blue Heaven for all of my components. I made a single upgrade on my amp to an Audioquest Tornado HC PC. After that, I upgraded most of my components to Audioquest Tornado's, they just sounded better. To be fair, the Audioquest cables were 2x the price of the Nordost cables I had.

@bishop148 nope, that is not all that matters. Everything can matter to power cable performance from the type and configuration of the conductors to the dielectric or insulation material to the connector design and materials used, to the gear being connected and the configuration of that gear and all the cables in the room to how good the power is out of the wall and if or what kind of power conditioning is employed.

Many audiophiles hear differences between power cables and often find some power cables improve the overall sound of their systems when connected to certain gear.  But it is hard for anyone to tell you how a particular brand or model of power cable will sound to you with your own gear.  Best to do as suggested above and try some different cables in your system and see if any float your boat.  There are pages and pages on this and other sites of posts on this topic.  I suggest you do some searching and learn to sort marketing hype from empirical experience and results.

For me, the differences I hear between different power cables in my systems are often not subtle.  But if you can’t hear a difference between different power cables, then it doesn’t matter to you in your room with your system, and you return them or sell them and save some or all your outlay and chalk it up to experience.

