@montaldo its worth checking what you have inside first. There was a batch of guys who saw my first post about 4-5 years ago and tried them in the M120s and the V4 amps. Cannot say I recommend it unless you have a lot of patience getting through the ridiculous settle-in time on the caps I have. Check yours first to be sure.
Mine are in fact the Supreme Eco SilverGold Black SESG Series Metalized Silver Gold Polypropylene Axial, SKU: Mundorf-80510, MSRP $59.88 USD each
The REASON I went to these caps in my QS amps is I wanted to confirm how much of the sound that I was hearing from my prior upgraded Cary amps was dictated by the sound of the coupling caps alone. Sure enough, caps matter a lot.
The downside was just how freaking long it took for these particular caps to form and settle in. Good grief. I was pre-warned by a retired local tech friend about this on the first set of Cary amps. He was spot on. Told me to "get ready for the roller coaster ride", and yes it was nerve-wracking at times Both Cary and QS amps took 300hrs before things stabilized and the sound and presentation stopped changing.