Nakamichi CA-7A Preamp

I saw a SkyFi Audio You Tube video on this unit, and the build quality really impressed me, and was well done and takes through well. 

I decided to obtain one, and was blessed to get a remote, and yes I have only one key selector-button remaining on the front saying “CD”… but there just has never been an interior like they made these over (30) years ago, and I will never have to worry about the electrolytic capacitors.

My question is how did these get so far under the radar for very high quality preamplifiers? I honestly can’t say I’ve heard better and they pick this up for nearly $1000, thinking I over paid. But I think I would have to invest over $10,000 in today’s market to get this kind of sound, and very subtle bass, mid range, and treble adjustments, which are not traumatic, but very effective. I have Cornwall Heritage series and Dennis Had Inspire WE 300b amp. Great base, but a Rogue preamp with an Denafrips Ares ll are now expendable in what I’m now hearing. Just no comparison. Go figure. 


@decooney :

The NAK - CA series preamps were not designed by NP, but as I stated earlier the circuitry in these pres are very NP like in form and function.

The PA & CA Naks were built when Nakamichi was at its zenith, so much so that they didn't mind paying to use some one else's stasis technology as opposed to the 'not invented here' approach of many corporations. 

My tech tells me that the parts and assembly were superior to just about anything else on the market at the time regardless of cost. 

BTW: he works on Thresholds also, and he states that they're no match quality wise to the NAKs.


Post removed 

@uncleang yeah I never said that, but do test other units he did design.  My local tech did work at Threshold, lives down the road, and cautioned about the boards in those older units, so I don't run an of that in my primary system for that reason.

For my secondary system I do have some upgraded Pass/Forte' gear, and it's fairly simple inside, and no need to keep a bunch of spare boards and bits around. My main system is all tube, point to point wiring, so thankfully I don't have to worry about aging, brittle or warped boards, or anything like that.