I sold my VAC Sig and now use the MSB Referece DAC as my pre. Very happy with the move. I also went from an Aesthetix Rhea phono pre to the Pass XP-27. I loved the Rhea but hated feeding it tubes and fighting hum. The Pass sounds as good if not better. I would definitely look at a Pass Labs Pre. Good luck.
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit
I currently own a CJ tube preamp. Ive always owned tube preamps and I would like to get my first solid state preamp.I am fed up with buying expensive hard to find tubes that last 3 months or new production tubes with that not so great sound. I pine for consistency. I probably wont sell my CJ I'll just keep it. My power amps are NAD M23 for the summer and CJ Premiere 12's for the winter.
Since I dont dabble in the solid state world I am not sure what to get. I figure since this is my first SS unit 4-5k preowned??. Some brands I have considered CODA< Pass, AYRE, Classe, Bel Canto, Krell etc. Note: I have tried the Parasound and Benchmark but they didnt do it for me. I dont like anayltical sterile sound. If it is a touch warm/colored that is probably good as I am coming from a very warm CJ tube unit.
Must haves are a remote with balance control. Multiple outputs (XLR and RCA). I have an outboard phono pre. Thank you for reading and for your suggestions.
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- 134 posts total
Heillo @jimbones after reading back through this thread and some of the steps you’ve taken so far, and about to take next, there are helpful suggestions by several members here.
One is to ensure you have clean power at the outlet -or- your PS power conditioning unit. Whatever you use. The other is solving your curiosity about running a nice SS preamp, and seeing how that goes comparatively in terms of sound and presentation for you. Maybe there is a 30 day demo in our sights. While I’ve played with some older pass preamps, and after messing around myself, I don’t disagree with @skinzy - something like the XP-27 designed by Wayne Colburn would be nice to try for sure. It commands a real price. I’ve not tested one, yet I’ve chatted with Nelson a few years about the layering and presentation a really good tube amp brings. Comparing to this preamp, and Nelson’s DIY Korg flat tube preamp could be fun too. Nelson told me he has many SS amp customers using his amplifiers with tube preamps on the front end. I use both and rotate, yet always go back to the tube preamp for my own preferences, imaging, layering, etc. In a few cases i’m noting your comments about "tube noise", and your comments about buying some new (as in new re-issue) tubes and trying again. If you purchased tubes from Brent / Andy before, and the tubes tested well, something else comes to mind. Some times tubes get rattled and become compromised in shipping. Also wondering if you’ve tried the other "new" tubes you mentioned, has that helped at all? Local Tech: Re-test your tubes, all of them. Do you have a local tech you can go to around your area, bringing all of your small and large input/driver/output tubes and have them tested to possibly identify any culprits in the bunch contributing to your noted tube noise? Local electrician: If you’ve not already done this, do you have a local electrician who could come in and test your AC outlets to validate if there is noisy power? I had something similar going on years back with my tube system and my other solid state system at the time. I ended up rewiring and replacing outlets, when with a Richard Gray power station for my amps and preamp and the issues disappered fwiw. Some other ideas for thought in finding the root cause, if possible. Best of Luck on the journey. |
@decooney I was hoping to embed my response into your comprehensive post but not sure how to do it so ill try my best to answer. I agree that I have received many great ideas for which I am thankful and take seriously. I have a PS Audio Premiere power plant. Not sure I hear an improvement with it but I will make sure to route the preamp through it (right now it goes directly to the wall)
I have recently purchased a Tesla tube that sounds fantastic. Its a bit microphonic when I tap on it or change volume. But I dont believe it is an issue when listening to music. There is no hiss.
My buddy has a tube tester and is kind enough to test when ever I need. so that is not an issue. I feel very lucky as this guy is very knowledgeable.
I have 2 dedicated lines to my hifi equipment that I personally ran. I remember a buddy came over with some kind of noise tester but I dont remember what the results were.
Thank you for your input. It is much appreciated and want to make sure that I personally respond to the suggestions. I was at CAF this weekend and it was a ball. If anyone has the chance, do it.
@jimbones wow, sounds like you have all the bases covered and then some, and access to capable people around you to test things out. Very nice. The only reason I commented was the original post was the possibility of a solid state preamp instead of tube. Last year I thought I’d try something similar, going in reverse of where I came from over a few decades. While it was in interesting exercise to re-validate history. and I enjoy a Class A preamp/amp periodically, I usually go back to my all tube preamp and tube amps system to experience what it does in its own unique way - for those more engaged listening sessions. Keep us posted on how the new tube testing goes and wether the original inquiry is solved yet or not. I’ll be sharing this thread with a few friends doing something similar as you, going through all of the exact same checks and such. Enjoy!
@decooney I should have stated that the main complaint for my system is that the sound gets congested when playing classical music. It sounds flat. I need a open and transparent with high dynamic range. Thanks for following this. |
- 134 posts total