Audiolab 9000cdt vs Audiolab 6000cdt vs Teac 505t

Can anybody compare any of these to each other? I’m working with a 2002 Vecteur L4 being used as a transport, and I’m wondering about one of these as a potential replacement. I haven’t heard any of them, but I have read all I can find. Anybody actually heard any of these and willing to share your observations? TIA


Thanks, mariddock. I have one of the best. (Amazing the difference cables make!! I've also found that vibration dampeners make a huge difference.) Cheers!

@tpcarter responding to your question about the 9000CDT and the Atoll DR200 Signature: I would definitely buy the Atoll without any hesitation. It is a superior machine, designed to the best performance well beyond the price, as all the Atoll products. 
The 9000CDT is good but I can feel that it will be problematic to service. Also I really hate the display. I bought it because the huge discount I got and also because I missed my Audiolab gear from the 90’s… although this Chinese made Audiolab is totally different. It was more a sentimental choice that I regret. 
The Atoll was the right one…