Audible Illusions Modulus 3A troubles

Just purchased a used Audible Illusions Modulus 3A preamp for my system but only getting very very faint sound when turned all the way up.  Plus the very very faint sound is very fuzzy as well. 

I popped off the top & re-seated the 4 tubes but that was no help.

My 2 amps are both rated at 50k ohms input sensitivity, so this is the right preamp for them at around 1.2k ohms output sensitivity, running a biamp configuration.  AI documentations confirms this.

I've tried each amp on its own, using both output RCAs on the preamp, to no avail.

How to tell what is wrong...looking into the return policy, but at least the shipment was insured.

Any ideas?



Yeh it’s the very very faint sound when at full volume that may be a non-tube issue

If it was just the phono section, it could be you are running a very low output moving coil cartridge. Unless it has the optional John Curl phono board, the regular Audible Illusions phono board does not have much gain.


+1, “Contacted them last Friday, hoping to hear back Monday, they are a reputable reseller out of CO”.

It is possible something broke during shipping. In any case, based on your post, the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A unit needs to be returned for a checkup.

eing on both right and left channel makes me feel there is something else going on. unless the seller sold the unit not working correctly. Something could have happened during shipping as well. nice unit though when working correctly. 

Two things:  Is your cartridge a moving magnet or at least a high output moving coil?


Secondly, are you aware of the mute switch which is pushed in while the unit is not playing, but must be out when playing music?  I've owned both an Audible Illusions 2D and 3A for many years.  It's also been about 10 years since I've owned one.  What I just wrote about the mute switch maybe just the opposite.  

The AI's are very long lasting units if you use the AI tubes.  It is also a very good sounding unit with phono built in.
