Furutech Nanoflux speaker cables

Are Furutech Nanoflux speaker cables directional?  If they are how do you know which is the amp end and which is the speaker end?  I only found one article at Positive Feedback that said the noise filter should be closer to the source but I haven't been able to find any information that would confirm that and the person who lent me his cables swears it goes the other way.  I have listened, and do hear a real difference but it is unclear to me which is "better".



@gkelly As far as I can tell there is no writing on the cables that could be interpreted that way.

@roxy54 Thanks.  I suspect you are right but I would like certainty rather than probability LOL.

No cable of any kind is directional unless it is made with some electrical component (like a diode) in-line between the amp and speaker. If you (generally) believe electricity can recognize one cable from another, you don't understand electricity. 

@roadcykler You got to love the cable deniers who think they are in possession of an ultimate truth and who can't be bothered to even listen for the differences that their high school physics courses can't explain. Enjoy your lamp cord and if you ever get around to actually using your ears feel free to apologize for your particular brand of nonsense.  In the meantime, please stop trolling and polluting other peoples threads.

i believe i have seen many YT vids by audio engineers w/ test equip FAR beyond high school physics! dissing the directionality thing so i seldom see any proof someone does blind A -B tests when they insist they can hear a difference ! 
so of course noone believes you why should they? 
you refuse to test reasonably and fairly 
real science means you test variables realistically and empiricly so called "cable deniers " are IME honest people reasonably expecting proof SHOW it ! 
you can certainly get a few steps up fr lamp cord and not spend silly $