How to bias a tube amp with a Multimeter

I’ve had this Shuguang s8mk integrated sitting in storage for 6 years. I bought a multimeter to bias it. The meter is set up to mV. 

I’m getting zero read results. The amp has been warmed up for 90 minutes. 

It’s got a funky bias panel. 

What am I doing wrong?





I would try 2 things..
First confirm correct operation of multi meter using an electrical outlet or a battery of some type..
Second,go ahead & set up the amp,connect to a source & send a signal,confirming operation of amplifier(just be cautious & slow with the volume control)..If the MM is working as it should & you get sound from the amp.then you’ve got something going on with either the biasing test block or worse...

The amp is fully operational. It works just fine. However I’ve not been able to get the MM to function. Yes, it appears to be operating fine in the above ^ example. But it’s not registering any readings when placed at the bias points.