DeVore O/93 or PureAudioProject Duet15 for a First Watt SIT-3?

What do you think would be better for a warm organic late night listening (classic music, opera and jazz)?
Stereophile reviewed the O/93 as a perfect pairing with SIT-3 (even is SIT-3 prefers low impedance speakers).
Duet15 seems to me more sensible (97db vs 93db) (and Steve Guttenberg think are top).
My current speakers are 4ohms / 87db Avalon Indra, absolute fantastic at their 80db listening kingdom.



I continue to believe, btw, that if you can afford the 96's, get them. I believe that as I said before, they will sound better at low volumes than the 93's. The price differential is surprisingly high given that they share the identical tweeter and nearly identical woofer and the guy behind Box Furniture Co. in the same Brooklyn pier warehouse as Devore that builds his cabinets can not be charging that much more for the bigger box. The x-over is said to be more "sophisticated", whatever that means, in the '96. I would love to ask John Devore what accounts for the price difference. I am sure he would say what I already said though-the woofer, cross-over, and cabinet. 

I've owned the O/93 and heard the O/96 on many occasions. I agree with fsonicsmith get the 96 if you can. I've heard the same things, one being that the woofer is substantially better designed and compromises had to be made for the 93. Hard to get a woofer to play deep and still play mids well. Both great speakers. 

This reference to speakers built in Brooklyn sounds suspiciously like Ohm Acoustics...and I find it somewhat startling that there could be two speaker manufacturers in Brooklyn. That said, I have never heard or heard of the ones referred to in this thread. And @ulul that looks like a pretty nice listening room and I didnt quite get what your speakers are but they look similar in design to some of the offerings from Legacy Audio. Would be interested to hear more about them and how they perform.

My speakers are named in the opening message. Are Avalon Indras, a top speakers perfect for 89db listening, less for 69db night.