I like the ps audio fr 30 they are made of teonix not kapton.i talked to  the developer Chris who's father was involved with bohlenger graebener. on my visit to boulder.i highly suggest you take the tour paul was open about his sources and direction. This new material does not stretch and uv does not bother it. I got to see the test lab sound rooms ect. Jbl is making some of thier horns with it. The economy is rough now for the past 4 years. I offer a elective product and many say they can't afford it. In the end it's going to get better.i moved my son last year from Cleveland and was shocked at the lack of brick and morter stores for stero  in the rock and roll hall of fame town.enjoy the music and life .it's too short.

Post removed 

So Masimo Audio now owns Marantz, Denon, Classe, Polk, Bowers and Wilkins, plus Definitive Technology.  In my opinion, Marantz and Denon are the clear leaders in home theater processors, plus Bowers and Wikins is a renowned British speaker manufacturer.  Masimo clearly intends to spin off its consumer audio division.

Lets not forget that several "British" brands are now controlled by China - I am including KEF and Quad in this list.

SME and Garrard are owned by the Cadence Group, along with Crystal Cable and Spendor loudspeakers.

This of course is nothing compared to the realignments in the car industry.  It is quite illuminating when Mercedes buys electric vehicle know-how from China - a real reversal!

It's amazing that denial, ignorance, pettiness and even wishing for a human to die finds its way into a supposedly hi-end audio forum.  How sad we have become.  Thank God the people have spoken!

Let’s stop the Politics right now. I go to sites likes to escape it.

  The long term decline of Audio has been going on for a few decades.  We are seeing and another step in the extinction.

  Apple makes more money on Ear Buds than the entire commercial speaker market.

  When my kids went to college 20 years ago I started talking with them about what kind of system to get them for their dorm rooms.  They looked at me like I was crazy.  Their iPods and earbuds were all they, and anyone else in their dorms, wanted.

  Meanwhile my contemporaries, all of whom cared very much about our mid Fi systems when we were young, were doing the same thing.  In my little social circle of the planet I am the only person who cares about audio.

   The consolidation and purchase of many brands by conglomerates that are uninterested in audio, such as Massimo, is accelerating the demise.  There is a lot of hedge fund money looking to buy stuff and uninterested in managing what they buy. 
  What I don’t understand in this thread is the focus on the pandemic as the culprit.  The pandemic was actually good for audio.  People were stuck at home, and many discovered their systems that they hadn’t turned on for years.  The repair shops were jammed as people discovered their components had atrophied from disuse.  Sales of audio equipment jumped.  Perhaps that may have got the hedge funds attention.
  It was a blip.  The long term factors just aren’t in our favor.  The ultra high end is pursuing the customers with Elon Musk sized bank accounts.  The mid Fi companies don’t know what to do.  Crank out cheaply made junk at grossly inflated prices and hope to dupe some people who are Elon wannabes?  Or try to make low cost gear to sell to people who increasingly don’t give a hoot?  The mid fis are deers in the headlights and in a few years will be audio roadkill.

  Let’s enjoy our systems while we can, but realize that we are dinosaurs