Do speakers need to be re-broken in?

Just purchased a set of speakers which have sat for quite while- 5 years from what I am told. I have heard the differences between new "tight" speakers drivers and a broken in pair, where the bass gets deeper and the speaker "breathes" better and sounds more open, and clear and resolves better, you know- just sounds better all-around.

I haven’t witnessed this personally in my own home in over a decade, and that was with planar drivers and not conventional cones, which this set has, but regardless of speaker technology I believe it is well understood this is a necessary process and manufacturers agree and suggest this- so not looking for any arguments there please.

But I would think used, or already broken in speakers would not do go through this process, but my ears are telling me they are getting better, so contrary to my assumption perhaps they do need re-breaking in? Anyone else gone through this?


Then, a few years later, I came into possession of that same pair of LCD-3s, which had not been used in over 6 months by their current owner. The fat bass was back and when compared to my LCD-XCs, was exactly the way I’d remembered it. I literally could not listen to them playing most music.

But after another week of break-in and the two units sounded pretty similar again in the lower registers.

To sum it up: Audeze planar magnetics, at least the models I owned, undoubtedly require break-in in order to be listenable. Furthermore, leaving them unused (at least the LCD-3) for a long time created the need for another break-in period.

Aha!, thanks for sharing @cundare2 

How do you separate your perception from your expectations? 

So if expect there not to be an improvement from break in, then you won't hear it.
Got it.

All the best,

Having sat dormant for 5 years, they do need re-break in, if only for a short while - meaning, likely just a few hours, if that much.

This is a popular myth that is provided by the speaker industry so that if you bring your speakers home and don't like them, they can explain it away that they are not yet broken in.  A few weeks later your ears forget how good your old speakers sound and presto!  No return is required!  If they really simply needed break-in - don't you think the manufacturers would do this process before shipping!  We are so gullible............

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