OP is planning for a small 6’ listening triangle, that might be a bit close to that model JBL.
He mentioned a new Black Ice integrated tube amp, I presume, like me, tube heat in small room, a low powered one. I see they have 12 wpc and 25 wpc models. I never heard Black Ice.
My office, for years I used a Tandberg SS Receiver I liked; after I broke it a Carver Cube SS for years (both from Harvey’s NYC used shelf), because I found my Vintage Fisher 30 wpc mono blocks too much heat for my office.
Redesigned in 2019 for low power tubes/imaging placement the Little Luxman 10 wpc tube amp I took a chance on is the lowest power I ever had, and I subsequently lucked into acquiring a restored pair of AR-2ax Speakers because of a ’nostalgia’ discussion here.
I got them for downstairs, assumed too big for the office, but thought, why not hear them with the Luxman compared to the Wharfedales and self-powered sub. So darn good I kept them here, gave the Wharfedales to my son, and got the 2nd pair of AR-2ax’s I restored myself, those standing ear height horizontal on shelves in my work area in the Garage/Shop system.
When in my office (retired now) I always think of Cousin Brucie (AM) and Alison Steele (FM) as my original pair were new in early 1968, working thru the nights while at college in Brooklyn (Pratt Institute)1966-1970. I was ransacked, they were small enough for the thieves to get them out the window, I always missed them.
I finally re-found the AR-2ax specs, they are 91.5db sensitivity