Xangsane SP-9001AG silver interconnect

So, encouraged by friends I've bought some bulk Xangsane SP-9001AG silver cable.

The cables has two squarish/flat solid core silver conductors (purity supposed to be 4N), one silver plated copper drain wire, teflon, cotton, copper foil, and finally silver plated copper mesh.

Jacket says OCC.

Well, it's been playing in my system since a couple of days, burn-in is far from being over, but I can already tell this is a very very good cable, with great tonality, fantastic transparency, dynamics, taut and strong bass... this is the best cable I've heardin my system (by hundreds of miles), and according to some friends you need to go very, very high in price to find a better silver cable.


I have their digital coax between my Shanling ET3 and Audio Alchemy DDP-1 DAC/Pre- Fabulous

FWIW, I tried both Xangsane's SP-9003 RCA silver interconnect and P-6008Ag power cord out of curiosity. Both were ok at best,  somewhat lacking in their ability to reveal fine nuances in my two systems. The RCA connector quality is flimsy compared to the the Furutech, Cardas, & ETI connectors on my other interconnects. After replacing the cheap connectors of the power cable with Parts Connexion's house brand plugs, it plays nice with an REL sub. It wasn't a great partner for anything else. The interconnect sounded no better than a similarly priced interconnect from Signal Cable. Not bad, not fantastic either. My DIY silver wire with top of the line Vampire RCAs sounds more refined than the SP-9003 in my systems. Eventually, I'll try replacing those RCA plugs with better quality ones. I don't doubt those that say the Xangsane's sounded fine in their system, one's audiophile's nirvana is another's purgatory. FWIW, I tried these with quite a mix of different components. Tidal Piano Cera or KEF R& Meta speakers, Luxman C-700u, Modwright LS 36.5, PS Audio BHK, & DeHavilland UltraVerve preamps. Amps were PS Audio BHK250 and M1200s, ModWright KWA99s, Luxman M-700u, and Decware Zen Torii amps. Auralic G1.1 & 2.2 streamers or Luxman D-08u SACD. 


I don't doubt the validity of your findings, because your gear is on a higher level than mine. I don't have an issue with the RAC's as much as I do with the screw -on sleeves which often seem to stop working. They still equal (sonically) a set of Kimber Select in my system.