How does sound influence your appreciation?

Since I’ve gotten my system to a very good place, I find myself liking the performance of almost everything I hear. Now in classical music, there are sometimes dozens of performances of the same piece, each performance having its own unique take. I now seem to like every interpretation I hear regardless of differences, due to the great sound. I’m losing my discernment because the sound is so much a part of the equation. This is more true of orchestral music than other types
How about you?

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I think it’s true that better sound quality helps with getting into unfamiliar music and genres as has been said already.

Arguably, that’s more important than giving fresh perspectives on old favourites. Is it really that big a deal to hear parts of the mix that previously went unnoticed?


Definitely the case for me. I have developed a huge appreciation for jazz as my system has improved. Listening to it in my car is not nearly as engaging or rewarding. 

Over the years I've found myself looking for well recorded music.... clarity maybe even first over content but I do have to like the music first.

If I don’t like an interpretation, great sound isn’t going to help.  A pig doesn’t look any more appealing when being viewed with binoculars 

I have often wondered does my kit dictate the music I listen to? I recently purchased a pair of Kef Reference Ones and could not stop listening to Rock and Roll, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd. . I also own a set of Soundlab A3s. With these I listen to more singer song writer, easy listening type and jazz. I definitely agree, when the music sounds better it is easier to get into new genres and enjoy more music.