A while back I posted that I love my system now that it's dialed in. It took my last speaker purchase to get to the point where practically everything sounds great, save for the poorly recorded stuff.
It's gotten to the point where I no longer listen analytically but for pleasure and that accounts for the amount of time I do spend listening being less than I used to. Yes, I don't listen as much anymore but when I do, I do it for the pleasure of it and not to figure out how to improve my system. It's a gift I don't take for granted or question.
Nothing is homogenized or sounds the same. That's impossible, unless it's a low fi set up. If it did, I'd be out looking for something better. That everything sounds pretty good to great means I finally figured out or stumbled onto the system that best communicates to me.
It took a lot of years with the usual ups and downs, detours and clawbacks to realize one can't build one's system by committee. Trust your ears and stop doubting what you hear. If it sounds great across a lot of different genres, then you pretty much nailed it. Give yourself a pat on the back and don't look back.
All the best,