Large speakers plus EQ, what have you done?

Hi Everyone,

I’m hoping to collect experiences from those who have:

1. Large (floor standers) with genuinely deep bass

2. Have EQ’d the speakers, at least through the bass section.

There are many ways to get excellent bass, but please keep OTHER methods off this discussion.  If you use a subwoofer, or bass array, or whatever, this discussion is not about that. I know I’ve recommended some of those ideas myself. I just genuinely want to know who has tried this particular combination and what their experience has been.

This is also not a discussion about what I’m going to buy. Just curious who has done this and how far they feel it got them in terms of integrating the speakers with the room.

Were you satisfied?  Did you end up giving up and doing something else?






Does building a custom room or optimizing the room with treatments count as EQ ing ?


Really not for this discussion. Once we go there the whole thread goes to a general discussion about how to get better bass, which is NOT actually what I want to talk about in this particular thread. I’m asking about this particular approach (2 large speakers + active equalizer) and those with direct experience with it.

Of course, if you tried that and then decided it didn’t work as well as another approach, that’s fine to talk about.

Audiogon is absolutely lousy with discussions that have devolved into general bass improvement threads, that and whether Class D is there yet. I would prefer not to do another one here.




My crude method is an API parametric  equalizer.Starting with the Amroc room mode calculator to see where the problem frequencies in the bass are I adjusted the frequencies by ear and left it alone. If I were to someday purchase longer cables I would have it next to me and fiddle with it to fine tune sometimes.But I'm happy enough with the sound now that it's not important.

Have Audio Refinement (YBA) separates and speakers:

  • AR Pre 5 analog preamp running in stereo mode only
  • AR Multi 5 amp using front 2 channels only (stereo mode)
  • ProAc Studio 148, grills off, on Soundocity SEV9 outriggers

Speakers can get a little bass heavy (they easily go down to 25Hz) plus have an upward treble tilt in my room. Added a Schitt Loki Mini+ 4 band equalizer between the preamp and amp. It had the ranges I desired for modification, is very quiet (and runs a little warm), got it used in excellent condition for a great price and is black like the rest of my system.

Overall, I am very happy with the new addition and results. I would recommend getting one.

Not too long ago in my living room I had a pair of Polk R700's for streaming & stereo TV. I have a decent null at 50hz & a huge boost/peek at 42.

Initially I was using an Arcam SA30 with its Dirac & SVS subs & their PEQ App. The Arcam crapped out on me & then I tried a MiniDsp DDRC-22D. The minidsp is basically a 2 channel dirac box. Multiple digital inputs & digital outputs you can use your favorite dac. I upgraded the power supply & ditched the subs. I had a hard time incorporating the subs & mains with the 2ch dirac minidsp. 

The Minidsp/Dirac worked well for bass. Eventually though I didn't like what it was doing to the mid & high frequency. I wasn't well versed in Dirac & apparently I shouldn't have been trying to correct anything over 2 to 300hz. But I had a peak around 1khz I was trying to tame as well. This was my living acoustic treatment. The DSP device worked well with the bass though. Lots of time measuring & remeasuring. 

After I grew tired with the Minidsp I hooked a RME ADI-2 Dac to the TV/Streamer. I used a Super Farad 3 power supply I had with the dac & hooked the Dac straight to amp (class D Hypex Nilai). I love that little Dac. Great volume control & cool loudness function that adjust with volume. Best thing though is that it has 5 PEQ tabs..and 2 extra but  limited PEQ tabs you can set up for a Bass & Treble tone control. You can also set the PEQ for each channel individually. 

With a Umik & REW software I could measure the room & see my issues. The Dac had just enough PEQ tabs to dial in my bass & any issue in the higher frequency. Plus it sounded more natural than using Dirac to my least in the upper frequencies. I'm back to bookshelves now in that room but was very happy with how a little PEQ helped my overall bass response. Obvious issues is that it only worked for digital sources. It's also a dac that not everyone will appreciate as much as I did.