@audphile1 so I toed in the speakers a bit more moved the chair closer to the speakers. They are now 6’ apart, 33" off the back wall and I’m sitting about 12’ away and yes, I’m hear a tad more bass as I move closer in.
It really seems to be about the music here too. I played Deep Bas by Niels & Sam recommended by @elliottbnewcombjr and I heard good clarity and detail but not Deep Bass as the title states. Then I listen to The Hidden Camera by Photek and An Evening In Dallas by Joe Sample and you could feel the bass pound the floor.
I would like to be able to tweak the bass myself with the Genesis ARC program, but I don’t know anything about frequency response graphs and all that stuff. I have looked around the web and can’t seem to find much on this?
@m-db thanks for your input. I wouldn’t mind trying out the Swarm set-up, but it used to be $2,500 now I see it’s $4,400 and I would want white, so it’s more for a custom color. I could do a couple of used KEFs for around $1,600.
Thanks for the Audioholics article. I think I just need to "Crawl" outta this rabbit hole, maybe trade it all in for a Sonos system and call it a day!