Listening pleasure

I listen to my system a lot--almost every day for hours--partly because I've had my share of medical issues including 3 kinds of cancer (thanks to great doctors and some luck I'm doing fine).   This post is apropos of nothing but I have gotten and continue to get so much pleasure from listening-mostly to classical music.  The sound of some recordings still amazes me.  I'm listening to a chamber music performance of Bach's Goldberg Variations by Fretwork on Qobuz as I write this and it doesn't get much better than this. A quick anecdote-I spent lots of time auditioning speakers at different dealers. At one dealer where I listened to several, the salesman said "I notice that only when you're listening to the KEF do you really smile."  He was right.  HappyThanksgiving everyone!

my system:  KEF Reference 5 speakers (pre meta), innuous Zenith 3, Innuous Phoenix USB,Matrix x-spdif, PS Audio Directstream mk2 Dac, Krell 175xd amp, Benchmark pre amp, Rega Planar 6, Dynavector cartridge, Audio Research phono stage, Wireworld  silver starlight interconnects.  I also had Sterling Trayle spend several hours positioning the speakers (anyone know what happened to,him?)


Glad to hear you are doing well.    I came close to death and was laid up for a few months and I don't know what I would have done without music.   I was in a dark place and music got me through it.    

Most here would agree that music is neither a hobby nor a distraction - it is simply a most agreeable state of mind.

Acoustics experiments was my hobby for few years. now it is more listening music.It is not a hobby but "a felt change in consciousness".


Most here would agree that music is neither a hobby nor a distraction - it is simply a most agreeable state of mind.