Do I Really Need a Dedicated Streamer?

Hello. I have my iPad connected via USB to my excellent Chord DAC. I use Spotify mainly to stream. Why do I need a separate streamer (Wiim or BludSound Node) to play my music? Is a streamer just a convenience?

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I would suggest looking for a streamer that gives you a trial period to see if your system actually improves with a dedicated streamer or not. Then, your ears can decide.

We all use streaming for many different purposes. For me it's exploring new music. For many playlists are crucial. Some use for primary listening, others more as background. This all affects what streaming device is best for us. CD's are 1411 kbps, Spotify's top level is 320 kbps, so they eliminate more that 3/4 of the bits...The WiiM Pro Plus is an amazing device for it's price. Try one and see what you think...

There are numerous variables in play here, but perhaps the most significant question is if using your iPad as a source device maintains a bit perfect audio stream to the USB output. Interestingly enough, I believe there may an issue streaming Apple Music, but what I find in a quick search implies that third party (e.g. Spotify, Tidal, etc.) content comes through unmolested (ie. not resampled by iOS).

Inexpensive streamers (e.g. WiiM) bring a one-stop shop of features and conveniences that satisfy most consumers.  More expensive streamers bring lower noise power supplies, more precise clocks, and more expensive integrated DAC platforms that appeal to discriminating consumers. You already have a standalone Chord Qutest DAC, so no reason to spend on an integrated DAC that you won’t use. Your Chord Qutest DAC has galvanically isolated USB implementation that minimizes electronic noise generated by your iPad and is the preferred connection. With asynchronous USB, your Qutest DAC (not source device) has the master clock, which is plenty good for your Spotify streaming.

The important caveat here is if you use your iPad for volume control, it is doing this in the digital domain and adversely impacts dynamic range. If you have a means of controlling volume in the analog domain (post DAC), that is the preferable route. For best results, you would set your iPad volume around 95% of maximum and control system volume at the preamp or amp.


If you go to, you can buy your Wiim and have 30 days to return it no questions asked.

Once you do that, you need to get ride of Spotify and get Qobuz. They also have a 2 months free period. I guarantee you will hear the difference.

Once you hear it, you can unheard it. You will never go back. You will only go forward, as there is much much better sound as you are willing to invest more in your system/room acoustics.

If your ever get to vinyl, you will find that the same record, pressed in different years sound completely different. It happens with digital as well.

This hobby is for the long run, but my proposed two trials represent a great start, risk free.
