Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


The Eclipses image superbly in the right room where you can bring them out a bit from the walls.  Probably a little bass shy, especially if you want the last octave of bass--they don't go much below 40Hz--but the bass they produced was very good.  They were beautifully built and finished, though I recall they only had a couple of finishes (I think one was olive wood, the other a Nextel finish).  They partnered well with Jeff Rowland amplifiers, and I think Stereophile liked them with ARC tubed amplifiers as well.  I really liked them and their bigger brother, the Ascent, but ultimately opted for the Duntech Princesses because of the better bass.  I think, though, that concerns about service and replacement drivers, plus the fact that you haven't heard them, would suggest that you pass on them (unless you like long drives).

I am sure they are good, but don’t chase a deal on a once great speaker you have never heard. Plenty of great choices out there.  

I would go with intent of buying them, however would insist on listening to them first using music you are familiar with. Also are the shipping crates included in the sale?

How about if I told you they are $700? Still not worth it?

No shipping crates, so no shipping. Must drive to get them.