Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


They're excellent speakers. Unfortunately, I believe the Eclipse tweeter is out of production.   

When I accidentally damaged a tweeter in one of my second hand Eidolons I sent them an email with my request and speaker serial numbers. They promptly emailed a purchase request. I printed it and filled it out, enclosed a check and mailed it off. I received the part within a reasonable amount of time. Chit chat? No.

In addition to their unbelievable musical presentation I simply haven't tired of looking at their stunning, most imitated cabinetry for almost fifteen years. When guests ask why they're positioned out in the middle of the room I simply drop the needle and, well... 

The Eclipses image superbly in the right room where you can bring them out a bit from the walls.  Probably a little bass shy, especially if you want the last octave of bass--they don't go much below 40Hz--but the bass they produced was very good.  They were beautifully built and finished, though I recall they only had a couple of finishes (I think one was olive wood, the other a Nextel finish).  They partnered well with Jeff Rowland amplifiers, and I think Stereophile liked them with ARC tubed amplifiers as well.  I really liked them and their bigger brother, the Ascent, but ultimately opted for the Duntech Princesses because of the better bass.  I think, though, that concerns about service and replacement drivers, plus the fact that you haven't heard them, would suggest that you pass on them (unless you like long drives).

I am sure they are good, but don’t chase a deal on a once great speaker you have never heard. Plenty of great choices out there.  

I would go with intent of buying them, however would insist on listening to them first using music you are familiar with. Also are the shipping crates included in the sale?