What is Moving From Solid State to Quicksilver Mid Monos Like?

Hello to all!

I currently have a McCormack DNA125 modified / upgraded in a manor similar to what McCormack does.  It is fine sounding, but I have a curiosity (itch?) about what

I would experience if I moved to a pair of the current Quicksilver mid mono amplifiers.  Can anyone out there who has made a move from good SS equipment

to the mid monos tell me what they gained that made them happier with the sound?

Thanks in advance!


Hey guys!  Thanks for all the input!

My speakers are a pair of vintage Fried C6/L 2-way monitors (.75" tweeter, and dual V.C. 6.5" bass mids).  89 dB sensitivity; impedance probably drops to 4-6 ohms in some parts of the bass-mid range (to 2.7 KHz crossover); small to mid size room, and I do not play very loud (90-93 dB peaks at listening position - 2 meters).

What do you think???


I have owned those QS Mid Monos and used them with 83 db sensitive speakers with no problem. Those amps are a true value. I have never enjoyed solid state since. I am a QS fanboy and Mike Sanders makes gear that is built to last!!

@yogiboy which 83db speakers were you using with Mid-Monos?  Are they 4 or 8ohm?

At my 55year-in-business local dealer who sells AudioNote and Quicksilver, I've also heard low power 10w amps playing 83db speakers there which are 8-ohm. Sure the amps power the speakers to play sound, yet the dynamics, volume level and room filing sound capability was a bit constrained. 


@decooney I have used them with LS3/5a type speakers including Spendor, Harbeth, etc. BTW, all 8 ohm!

Good to know @yogiboy and thanks for responding.  I'm thinking most of Mike's QS amps seem to respond and sound, dare I say, more musical with higher impedance speakers, 8ohm and above.