What is Moving From Solid State to Quicksilver Mid Monos Like?

Hello to all!

I currently have a McCormack DNA125 modified / upgraded in a manor similar to what McCormack does.  It is fine sounding, but I have a curiosity (itch?) about what

I would experience if I moved to a pair of the current Quicksilver mid mono amplifiers.  Can anyone out there who has made a move from good SS equipment

to the mid monos tell me what they gained that made them happier with the sound?

Thanks in advance!


@yogiboy which 83db speakers were you using with Mid-Monos?  Are they 4 or 8ohm?

At my 55year-in-business local dealer who sells AudioNote and Quicksilver, I've also heard low power 10w amps playing 83db speakers there which are 8-ohm. Sure the amps power the speakers to play sound, yet the dynamics, volume level and room filing sound capability was a bit constrained. 


@decooney I have used them with LS3/5a type speakers including Spendor, Harbeth, etc. BTW, all 8 ohm!

Good to know @yogiboy and thanks for responding.  I'm thinking most of Mike's QS amps seem to respond and sound, dare I say, more musical with higher impedance speakers, 8ohm and above.  


In a huge coincidence, I am the third person in this thread to also move from a DNA-125 to Mid Monos. I also used Frieds (A3s) with my Mid Monos as well as Spendor 1/2s, and sadly these amps (paired with the QS linestage and using really nice EL34s) were just too lean for me in the bass and mids compared to the DNA-125. They were also a bit grainy in the highs in my set-up. I solved that problem by eventually moving to the Mono 120s, which I still use now using KT120s and Gold Lion small tubes. I also own KT Monos using Mike's stock KT-88s (Chinese) with RCA NOS 12AX7s and EH12BH7s...absolutely superb amps that are far better than the Mid Monos, imo, in every area. Looking back, maybe I should have tried some KT88s in my Mid Monos to fatten them up some. If you want to jump to Quicksilvers, I suggest starting with KT88s or KT120s if the power transformers are up to it. If too lean, you can easily sell them and then grab a pair of KT Monos or Mono 120s, which kick the DNA-125's butt up and down the street! 

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