The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


Streaming will not disappear, but it could become much more expensive, and the way things go, it probably will.   

Now a sad note and a claim about the person discovered dead, Sujir Balaji a whistleblower who accused Sam Altman and Chat GPT of stealing:


In October, Balaji told the NYT: "ChatGPT and other chatbots are destroying the commercial viability of the individuals, businesses and internet services that created the digital data used to train these A.I. systems."


This marvellous technology arrived in a very ill social fabric and will not improve it so marvellous it is and could be...

Corporate power will use it first and last, guess for what ?

For profit and control...

Only an ostrich with the head in the sand will oppose to these evident problems : "You are so pessimistic and ignorant about this marvellous mathematics ! "

The mathematics in the A.I. is mathematics of engineer levels. it is not Gauss, Riemann or Grothendieck...The success of A,I’ is not a deep discovery in maths it come from  ideas inspired long ago from neural network tech coupled to statistics.Engineers matter and pluridisciplinary implications  which make it complex.

Technology is not science.Science is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom.

  Vibrating sound sources is not air waves, air waves  are not sound,sound is not music.



By the way no one want to put back  A.I. djinn in the lamp...

Certainly not this woman :

The problem is the impact of A.I. will not ,taking all into account , be so good in the actual ill and very upside down social fabric. Thats my point.

We dont need more A.I. we need more thinking about the way we live together, with economy at the place of the head and education in the ass . And war at the corner.

@mahgister You mentioned mathematics at the engineering level ... if you or anyone would like to see how an LLM works at that granular of a level check out the video Transformer Neural Networks ... on YouTube channel StatQuest with Josh Starmer. It shows you the actual mathematical formulas used within an LLM.

@mapman Yes, it can be abused, which is why a lot of people have left OpenAI. Of even more concern to me is what happens when we no longer control it. There are already reports that ChatGPT o1 lied to its developers, copied itself and tried to disguise itself. We've already passed the point of no return by allowing AI to prompt itself. That takes control away from us.

Back to music. I've been playing around with AI music generators (just Google that exact term if interested) and as with all language models the quality of what you get out is heavily dependent upon the prompts you put in. I play guitar and I've found the more I use precise and concise musical terminology, the closer I get to what I want. Prompt engineering is still an art, although eventually I think AI agents will create music for you based upon your listening history. In the near future, there will be no physical media.

I have two nephews. One was thinking of going to school for computer science, and since I'm a former software engineer, he asked me about it. I told him not to do it because it's a dead field (as is every field where you interact with a computer all day). The other was thinking about playing guitar, and since I play guitar he asked me about it. I told him to go for it. For one, it's a whole lot cheaper than wasting your money on a dead field in college. And secondly, even if AI can do it better, I think you can still achieve a sense of accomplishment and it only costs you time and about $700.

Yes Erik… the end is very near … for anyone who collects physical media….AI will steal our jobs and souls…Stream the film The Seventh Seal and deeply contemplate your existence….