Can you recommend Jazz for some one that doesn't like Jazz?

Let me explain, I have tried to like jazz for over 30 years. I rarely find something I like. To me it sounds too disjointed, like everyone is trying to out do the others and they are all playing a different song. I know there has to be some good instrumental smooth jazz artists I am missing. If you have any suggestions of whom to try let me know. Some that are on my Jazz playlist is Pat Metheny-"It's for you"   Bill Frisell _"Heard it through the grapevine"  Holly Cole, George Benson... for an example of things I do like.


I'd love to have a 100 song Jazz playlist. So what'ch got for me?



I would flip through the recommendations. You’ll find some that you like, follow that thread and over time your appreciation for the genre will likely expand and expand… and expand.

Chico Freeman, Spirit Sensitive. Harry Lookofsky, Stringsville. Keith Jarrett, Facing You. George Winston, maybe?

I’d suggest giving Ken Burn’s “Jazz” documentary series a spin of you have never seen and see if that helps you find some jazz of interest.  

I think if a friend wanted to be introduced to jazz, I would recommend to get a taste of stuff that leans jazz, but not hard core and see if it blossoms... some of the later Steely Dan, Gregory Porter, Erin Bode, Monkey House. Then take a listen to something like Dave Gruisen or Euge Groove, then take a listen to For Duke a terrific Duke Ellington tribute. It's a progression, see if this works at all for you.

It is important to keep in sight that almost all 20th century most dominant popular music forms originated in the Jazz and blues traditions. Most pop and rock are direct descendants of early combinations of African forms played on European instruments.

Listen to the huge discography available of 5 decades recorded by Duke Ellington; the entire 20th century of music is there. You call it Jazz if you want.