97% or my records were purchased new, and the other 3% were either near mint or mint. I was told a long time ago not to wet records as it will make it worse. If you never got it dirty and remove the dust before playing, you're good to go. In the past I have cleaned an older record or two of mine at stores (or on my brother in law's $4000 model that uses some kind of expensive fluid) considering buying a RCM and never was able to hear a difference after cleaning versus before. These were very old, but in excellent condition. Mainly MOFIs from the early 80's.
I use the Audioquest and Hunt brushes. Audioquest is easier to use. I wore out an Ortofon one that looks to be the same as the Audioquest with a different handle.
If you buy a lot of used records from people who ate or smoked or mishandled records (or you don't know where they came from), I guess you need to clean them.
Very rarely (it could be once in 6 months) I will clean the stylus with an old dishwasher stylus brush and a tiny bit of that fluid (if any).