Where should the Tubes Go in a Vintage Preamp / Amp System

Switching from a Sansui G-8700DB receiver (which overall, I am very happy with) to a separates system... I am going with a Dynaco PAS-3 (tube) preamp which will feed a pair of McIntosh MC2100 (solid state) amplifiers, set up as monoblocks.

I have heard conflicting opinions, so I thought I would pose the question here:

If you are doing separates (preamp / amp) and you are looking to add tubes to the mix -

Which is better, a system where the tubes are in the preamp, or where the tubes are in the amp(s)..?

And by "better", I mean where will the tubes have the most effect in providing that 'tube' ambience of sound..?

I always thought the preamp would be the better choice out of the 2 (assuming you are not equipped to go tubes on both preamp and amplifier)...since the preamp receives the direct signals from each piece of equipment and is the place to potentially 'color' the signal before it moves on to the amplifier...

If you have an opposing view, please explain why a SS preamp with tube amp is a better opportunity to add a little 'tube sound' to your system.



Post removed 

I prefer high power amps, and don't want to deal with a high power tube amp, so using Class A mono blocks and tube preamp...I've often used tube pre and ss power amp to good results...from friend's systems both ways can work great...

I agree with @viridian 

If your speakers are 91db efficient or above  a 45-60 wpc tube amp will work. fine. I have 93.5 db efficient speakers and ran them fine with 35 wpc VTA Dynaco ST 70. I've had high power amps and low powered amps. Low powered amps sound much netter IME. I might even say to look at VTA   ST 70 / ST 120  amp 

There is no single good answer other than the devil is in the details in each case. 

I was in the same quandary when I was starting out. I went with tube preamp and solid state power amp. This was great for a few years until I tried a tube power amp. I’ve been all tube since—now using rebuilt vintage tube monoblocs.