Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?

I'm curious why you still play CDs in the age of streaming. I recently got back into CD listening and I'm curious if your reasons align with mine, which are:

  • Enjoying the physical medium—the tactile nature of the case, the disc, the booklet, etc.
  • Forcing myself to actually listen to an album, versus being easily distracted by an algorithm, or "what's next" in my playlist.
  • Actually owning the music I purchase, versus being stuck with yet another monthly subscription.



 I stream and I still purchase CDs.  I agree with your reasons why.  Most of the new ones I buy are reissued box sets that have tracks I can’t get online like live shows that are unreleased.  I still have over a thousand CDs but I find I don’t play them as often due to the ease of use and sound quality with a good streaming system.  I listen to so much more new music streaming.  Interesting to explore new music. It’s good for this old dog to listen to new tracks.  

I just got into streaming less than 1 year ago. Whilst I held out for many reasons (large CD collection that I own, couldn’t wrap my brain around “renting” music), I can honestly say I love it! Almost life changing😂! However, I still find CD’s to have a bit more depth, detail, and just a tiny bit extra level of air. I also find CD listening to sound a bit more dry-in a good way…


Streaming I so enjoy as I find it to sound livelier and more encompassing. I find myself more involved when listening to a song streaming vs CD. I find myself letting loose on Friday and I got the streamer going whereas if I want a more quiet/intimate listening session I go with CD..

I don't stream, and haven't listened to any of the hundreds of digital downloads I purchased a decade (or two?) ago in, well, about a decade.  I like the experience of selecting physical media (LP, CD or whatever), and I've got more to listen to than I can handle in the few years I've got left.

All my CDs fall into a few categories.

  1. CD came with the record.
  2. Album not available on vinyl and I need a copy.
  3. Album not available on vinyl and bought to support the artist.

I like CDs but prefer the sound of records. Tried streaming Tidal Hi-Fi and didn't like sound at all. Not willing to invest in better digital gear. I do listen to a lot of YouTube on Firefox with Ublock Origin for ad free viewing.