Listening to music at home on a great system is a wonderful experience. But it is still a substitute for a live performance where all the musicians are sharing same space with you.. Physical media does provide a gradient where you do have something in between the live performance and enjoying the presence of music at home -- a tangible element to hold in your hand(s) that represents a reasonable facsimile of the actual performance. While an electron microscope won't let you see all the musicians that performed on the CD, the CD does allow to you physically attach yourself to musical genius, a piece of cultural history, or something that fully resonates with you. Or, perhaps those you shared the experience with who are no longer with you? Liner notes elevate the emotional attachment to this phenomenon even further.
Life is full of successes and failures. A broad CD (or vinyl) collection validates the good decisions you've made in life. Their mere presence at this time is a validation of the good choices you've made along the way. Things have come and gone, but those CDs are still there, ready to bring you pleasure on demand in a moment's notice.
And, finally, each CD in the collection represents a chuck of your life where there you were, standing over that CD bin looking for that target CD, or just shopping to find that hidden gem that would be special to you -- even if it's not on the Top Albums list of <fill in the year here>. Standing at a distance and glancing at your CD collection (displayed in your storage system of choice) is not just looking at your CD collection. It's a view of your life.
Yes, streaming gets you from 0-60 quicker. But, as they say: "It's not the destination. It's the journey."