Think I tend to do the same thing. Crank up vinyl, not so much when streaming.
At times streaming does have more detail, more of everything. But it can almost sound fake, at times compressed, of course fatiguing.
Vinyl is like a warm blanket, you just get settled in, and enjoy. Will crank it up till the cartridge starts to pick up my speakers. yeah, I need a better isolation for my TT.
There is another big difference, with vinyl, I sit, listen to the entire album. When streaming, it's a playlist, a station, or some mix. bitrates are all over the place, volume is never constant, soundstage, detail, dynamics are all over the place. Every song has it's own "flavor" it makes it much harder to stay in the pocket, disappear into the music. It's not as engaging or intimate. Think that is the reason, why vinyl wins.