Where I live we have three high end dealers. One works out of his home, the other two have brick and mortar stores. The B&M store owners have been in business for either over 30 years..or just over 5. The one who has been in business just over 5 is simply trying to acquire a long term visa into the US...and once acquired will probably close up shop. The other, well he is sitting on an old lease, has a great relationship with his landlord and is paying way below market rent .
The one fellow who works out of his home, his business plan is knowing a couple of very big hitters who swap gear multiple times a year. These two guys keep him in business, so long as he plays nice with them. They go away, he goes away.
B& M stores are failing all around my location ( S.Calif)..mainly due to the fact that the vendors/owners fail to comprehend the total cost of remaining in business through time. They underestimate the impact of rent and rent increases, general over-head, tax impacts, potential legal expenses, the impact of competition; and they over-estimate the demand for their goods and services and the potential volume of sales. Make one mistake in any of these areas and you will pay the price...since all of them have to be under control before a true profit through time is accrued. B&M is a VERY tough business these days.