Legacy Focus SE or PS Audio FR20

My custom-made speakers have served me well for 40 years (including several upgrades) but given technological advancement I’m beginning to evaluate new speakers. Top of my list so far are Legacy Focus SE and PS Audio FR 20 - both of which I was able to hear at Axpona. Both are at or above my price range so I’m looking for insights from users on these or other suggestions at or below the price range. Listening habits are 60% rock/alternative, 20% folk, 20% jazz. Integrated amp is 175 watt Plinius 8200, TT is Sota Nova with older model Origin Live Silver tonearm and Grado Reference 3 cartridge. I do have some high-end hearing loss so I’m trying to factor that in as well. Any help appreciated, thanks!

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I have to chime in about bashing Audiotroy for being unethical for posting positive comments about his products. As previously mentioned, he's upfront about his dealer status so there's no subterfuge there. I've had phone conversations about speakers with him and he was unbiased in his recommendations. He told me I was pretty much at endgame and to stick with what I had. At that point he said he had considered investigating becoming a dealer for the brand I owned. He then made helpful suggestions about how to better realize the potential of what I owned. So as far as I'm concerned, he's proven objective and helpful. 

A too went to legacy and auditioned the signature SDs. Sounded nice. Im actually considering. I currently own Paradim 120H's powered by an anthem amp. I really like them but thinking about a future "upgrade"   dooes anyone have experience with these 120H's and legacy speakers?  If so what are your thoughts

I sometimes feel you guys (gals) think too much! I'm driving my Legacy Focus SEs with a BAT VK-600SE power amp and BAT VK-31SE preamp fed by an Ayre CD player or VPI Classic turntable.  If you team these speakers with good equipment you won't be disappointed.