Linear power supply for Weiss DAC 204

Looking to upgrade from Chord Qutest with the Weiss Dac 204.  The Weiss comes with an ac adapter, brick or an external power supply that plugs into the wall. I am seeking to upgrade to a linear power supply. My top two choices are as follows:

  1. S Booster  Linear Power supply (About $450.00).
  2. Modwright Linear Power Supply (About $1000.00

Has anybody heard either of these? Dos the Modwright sound better than the S Booster? I currently have a LHY power supply on my Qutest and a S Booster on my Lumin U2 mini.  Each reduces the noise which in turn improved the sound.

Thank you. 


I agree, the U2 has a number of improvements over the Mini. I have not auditioned the U2. However, I don’t know if the improvement in overall sound quality is worth twice the price. This is wear I tend to look for a 30-40 percent improvement. In other words, a 20 percent improvement may be worth a $500 investment for a LPS. However, at twice the price for a U2, I would expect a 30-40 percent improvement. If not, I would consider a different streamer and increase the budget as needed. It’s simple not worth upgrading something if there isn’t a significant improvement in sound quality. I’m currently using a CJ Classic 62SE, ET3SE, and Lampizator Amber DAC. Nothing over the top but fairly revealing.

I struggle with assigning any kind of percent improvement to upgrades. I don’t know what 100% better sounds like as I just don’t have that baseline. 
I go as simple as are the improvements significant? Is what I’m hearing to my liking? Am I able to go back to the old setup and be happy? If not, is the improvement worth it to me? 
I suspect the power supply addition to the Mini will result in better sound - power supplies matter. But will it be a dramatic improvement? Probably not. Will going up to a better streamer give me more ROI? I would say yes. Also take into consideration the mods you will be making to the mini and the resale value.

So in my opinion it’s worth trying a better unit.  

I agree, it’s difficult to assign a number or percentage of improvement. I guess I look for the “wow” factor if I’m purchasing a new piece of equipment. In other words, is the difference in what I’m hearing worth the cost - ROI from a sonic perspective.