Another VPI Prime Scout / 10.5 3D Printed Unipivot happy camper. I know some people think unipivots are the evil spawn of Satan, but the fact is they have no bearing slop, no bearing chatter, and no binding. And for the life of me I've never seen it wobble when playing. The 10.5" length minimizes tracing error with my Hana SH cart, and the VPI adjustable height mechanism more than compensates for the awkward counterweight setting. I've had zero problems with acoustic feedback so kudos to VPI for the plinth and feet. Finally, there's the overall appearance. The thick plinth and thicker, 22lb (!) platter combined with the washing machine sized motor make a ... uhh ... massive ... statement. It's industrial art, and i like it. I suppose I could chase some unobtainable goal for a lot more money, but for under $5k with cart, I am very satisfied.