I have had a couple VPI ScoutMaster tables *& arms. The unipivot arm is different, in that it wobbles some when cued for the 1st second as it finds its equilibrium. I always used the cuing lever so I never thought it to be a problem. Different, but no issues. I can see where those who want to set the arm down on the record might have some issues. But that is the best way to scratch an album with any arm, IMO. So just use the cuing lever. I'd still have a VPI TT if I hadn't found the Teres of my dreams (love the cocobolo) I don't know about the Super Prime Scout but VPI makes good products and has good customer service IME.
I believe it is/was a package put together for Upscale Audio but not certain. It looks like a Scout 21 plinth with Prime upgrades